Cookie-Richtlinie von Lucid Software Inc.

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^1P_JAR$Google AdsMARKETINGUsed to provide ad delivery or retargeting.30 days
ab_idLucid Software IncESSENTIALLucid cookie used to assign visitors/users to AB tests (on marketing websites and in-product) and maintain test experiences across domains, page views, and sessions.5 years
abLdrTaboola IncMARKETINGSupports routine technical and performance improvements for Taboola’s browser-based Services.3 hours
abMblTaboola IncMARKETINGSupports routine technical and performance improvements for Taboola’s mobile SDK Services.3 hours
^aboutads_sessNNN$Google AdsMARKETINGUsed by Google ads; this cookie is used to associate multiple requests made by a user on a page with that user's session.30 minutes
^abTest_.*Lucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed for AB testing (as described in `ab_id` cookie).Session
abTestAnyLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed for AB testing (as described in `ab_id`).Session
abTestOverridesLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed for AB testing (as described in `ab_id` cookie).Session
abTest_SuppressFeatureOverridesLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed for AB testing (as described in `ab_id` cookie). Modifies the behavior of AB test overrides.Session
abTestVisitorAssignmentsLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed for AB testing (as described in `ab_id` cookie). Keeps A/B test assignment consistent for users before logging in, delivering a consistent and correct experience.30 minutes
accountChangedLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to indicate if a user's account changed.60 hours
account_idLucid Software IncESSENTIALSet on login, used on marketing pages to block analytics on some accounts. Also used to determine SSO method for a user on login.180 days
accountLevelChangedLucid Software IncESSENTIALLucid cookie used to indicate if a user's account level changed.5 - 10 minutes
acknowledged_password_login_email_addressLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed in Microsoft SSO to confirm email during registration.30 minutes
^ACLK_DATA$Youtube Llc; AdSense; Google Ad ManagerANALYTICSUsed to verify if the user’s browser accepts cookies.5 minutes
activate_productLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to indicate in the application that a user has used/activated a product.30 minutes
^AID$Google AdsMARKETINGUsed by Google Ads.13 months EEA UK / 540 days elsewhere
_ALGOLIAGainsight IncESSENTIALUsed for search analytics to improve search performance, please note that the search functionality will not work without it6 months
alreadyUsedEmailLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates a user with this email already exists (used on registration)1 minute
AMP_TOKENGoogle AnalyticsANALYTICSUsed by Google Analytics.30 seconds to up to 1 year
amzpayLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates if a user's subscription originated from Amazon.1 minute
AnalyticsSyncHistoryLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed by LinkedIn to store information about the time a sync took place with the lms_analytics cookie.30 days
^ANID$Google AdsMARKETINGUsed to show Google ads on non-Google sites. If you have personalized ads enabled, the ‘ANID’ cookie is used to remember this setting and lasts for 13 months in the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, and the United Kingdom (UK), and 24 months everywhere else. If you have turned off personalized ads, the ‘ANID’ cookie is used to store that setting until 2030.13 months EEA UK / 24 months elsewhere
anon_guestLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed in authentication for guests.Session
anon:new_visitGainsight IncESSENTIALUsed to see if a it’s a first time visit of a user to the platform - if so then show the cookie banner and any other first time displays.30 minutes
api_openid_sessionLucid Software IncESSENTIALStores a user's login identity information provided through an API to provision or login that user.30 minutes
^api_openid_state-.*Lucid Software IncESSENTIALThis cookie enhances security by ensuring that only authorized actions are taken during the sign-up process, protecting your information from unauthorized access.30 minutes
apt.sidGainsight IncESSENTIALThe purpose of this cookie is to allow persistent ID tracking under the top-level domain of the product and is used as a reference ID to the user entity. Ensures team admins using Lucid products receive proper onboarding tutorial placement via Gainsight.30 minutes
apt.uidGainsight IncESSENTIALThe purpose of this cookie is to allow persistent ID tracking under the top-level domain of the product and is used as a reference ID to the user entity. Ensures team admins using Lucid products receive proper onboarding tutorial placement via Gainsight.1 year
articleVotesZendesk IncESSENTIALThis is only dropped when anonymous end-users actually vote on articles. It is used to track the fact that an anonymous user has voted on an article, so that they are not repeatedly prompted to vote on an article that they have already voted on nor are they able to submit multiple votes relating to one article. Note: local storage duration = until deleted by end user.Session
auth_content_wpSkilljarESSENTIALAuthentication for SCORM content to be served through the application if CDN acceleration is not enabled.n/a
auth_pseudoLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed for authentication in Lucid test environments.Session
autoGrantCreatorTrialLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed when setting up a Lucid trial.5 minutes
auto_trialLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed when setting up a Lucid trial.Session
aws-waf-tokenAmazon Web Services IncESSENTIALUsed for validation of payments via AWS threat mitigation. For more details, see days
azure-devops-auth-stateLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed as part of Azure DevOps integration.10 minutes
bcookieLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGBrowser Identifier cookie to uniquely indentify devices accessing LinkedIn to detect abust on the platform and diagnostic purposes.1 year
BizographicsOptOutLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed to determine opt-out status for non-members.10 years
browserLanguageLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine what language to use in product.Session
bscookieLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed for remembering that a logged in user is verified by two factor authentication and has previously logged in.2 years
canvas-student-underage-.*Lucid Software IncESSENTIALThis cookie is set when a student completes the COPPA flow for the Lucid Canvas Integration by inputting their age upon launching the tool/integration.90 days
canvas-teacher-underage-.*Lucid Software IncESSENTIALThis cookie is set when a teacher completes the COPPA flow for their course by answering if they teach students under the age of 13.90 days
_ccLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to store a coupon code during registration/payment.Session
^__cf_bm$CloudFlare IncESSENTIALCertain vendors (Zendesk, ZoomInfo, etc.) use Cloudflare and this cookie to identify trusted web traffic to support their rate-limiting products. This cookie is required to manage incoming traffic and to have better visibility on the origin of a particular request. If interested to learn more, Cloudflare provides further detail about some of their Cookies on the Cloudflare website here: minutes
cf_chl_2CloudFlare IncESSENTIALCertain vendors (Zendesk) use Cloudflare and this cookie to identify trusted web traffic to support their rate-limiting products. Used by Cloudflare for the execution of Javascript or Captcha challenges. These cookies are not used for tracking or beyond the scope of the challenge.Dependent on end-user's browser policy
cf_chl_progCloudFlare IncESSENTIALCertain vendors (Zendesk) use Cloudflare and this cookie to identify trusted web traffic to support their rate-limiting products. Used by Cloudflare for the execution of Javascript or Captcha challenges. These cookies are not used for tracking or beyond the scope of the challenge.Dependent on end-user's browser policy
cf_clearanceCloudFlare IncESSENTIALCertain vendors (Zendesk) use Cloudflare and this cookie to identify trusted web traffic to support their rate-limiting products. This is a clearance cookie that stores the proof that a Javascript or Captcha challenge has been passed. The purpose of the cookie is to ensure that Captcha or Javascript challenges are no longer issued if the challenge has already been passed. It is required in order to reach the origin server.Dependent on end-user's browser policy
^__cfruid$CloudFlare IncESSENTIALCertain vendors (Zendesk) use Cloudflare and this cookie to identify trusted web traffic to support their rate-limiting products. Used by Cloudflare to identify trusted web traffic to support their rate-limiting products. This cookie is required to manage incoming traffic and to have better visibility on the origin of a particular request.Session
cg_uuidCheqESSENTIALServer-side cookie, which is hosted by This cookie is used to detect when the same device is used in a separate browser session. Please note that no personal information such as user identity will be transmitted or collected.1 year
^claim-document-.*Lucid Software IncESSENTIALIs set when a temporary document is created to give claim authority of the temporary document. This cookie enables a device to claim a document created in the walk-up and whiteboard flow.1 day
clientLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine what "client' is being used (iOS app, web browser, etc). 68 years
Cloudfront-Key-Pair-IdSkilljarESSENTIALUsed by Cloudfront CDN to control access to course content.n/a
Cloudfront-PolicySkilljarESSENTIALUsed by Cloudfront CDN to control access to course content.n/a
Cloudfront-SignatureSkilljarESSENTIALUsed by Cloudfront CDN to control access to course content.n/a
CollapsedGainsight IncESSENTIALHolds collapsed content1 year
consumer_nameLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine what third-party integration is being used.10 minutes
^Conversion$Google AdsMARKETINGUsed by Google Ads.90 days
ConversionTypeLucid Software IncPERSONALIZATIONInternal cookie that is used to provide people with a different experience based on a conversion event. Used to mark that a conversion event occurred. Does not specify what conversion.1 year
CookieConsentGainsight IncESSENTIALStores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain1 year
cookiePrivacyLevelGainsight IncESSENTIALStores the current level of the cookie policy (1,2,3)1 year
cookieSyncSessionLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed in syncing cookies between application and marketing domains.Session
cookietestSkilljarPERSONALIZATIONUsed to determine what features are available on our frontend; comes from the Modernizer library. It is used to detect that the browser is not blocking any cookies. If blocked, it could potentially cause the training site to load with incorrect styling.< 100 ms
coreBundleRegistrationLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed only for the core bundle registration flow to make sure the Suite onboarding is shown. It is set on the create account route of the pricing page and the cookie is deleted after the user lands on the suite onboarding page. The reason this cookie is needed is primarily for Google SSO because when we redirect to google for authentication, we pass the redirect URI and store all the necessary queries as cookies. Session
_cq_checkCheqESSENTIALClient-side cookie that is used to detect whether the device supports cookies. This cookie is deleted immediately after insertion.<100 MS
_cq_duidCheqESSENTIALClient-side cookie that is used to detect domain sessions per device.3 months
_cq_pxgCheqESSENTIALThis client-side cookie is part of the Pixel Guard solution and detects bots and malicious traffic.1 day
_cq_rtiCheqESSENTIALThis client-side cookie is part of the OSS solution and detects bots and malicious traffic.2 years
_cq_suidCheqESSENTIALClient-side cookie that is used to detect browser sessions per domain and device.Session
_cq_tuidCheqESSENTIALClient-side cookie that is used to detect tab sessions per device.Tab Session
cq.*_vCheqESSENTIALThis client-side cookie is part of the Pixel Guard, a client-side cookie, that detects bots and malicious traffic.3 months
custom_document_pickerLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine what document picker to use in the product.Session
customerAccessPinLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to enable Lucid support teams access to a customer's documents; This requires the customer to expressly give permission to Lucid support teams by generating a pin which is then stored as a cookie.1 day
dashboardUiStateSkilljarPERSONALIZATIONStores some state information about the dashboard. Primarily, to show or collapse the left nav on subsequent page views.n/a
^_dc_gtm_.*Google AnalyticsANALYTICSUsed by Google Analytics to store number of service requests.1 minute
direct_to_buyLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine where a user should be directed in the payment flow.Session
domainPolicyEmailLucid Software IncESSENTIALStores the email that domain lockdown should be checked against.1 hour
doNotShowSVGImportWarningDialogAgainLucid Software IncESSENTIALSupresses SVG import warning dialog. This prevents users from seeing the same message twice. 365 days and 6 hours
eduSignupLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates if the user is an EDU signup.1 day
emailOnlyFinalizeNowLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed during email only registration.5 minutes
^embed-access-.*Lucid Software IncESSENTIALProves that a user accessed a document via an embedded experience, allowing them access to the document via anonymous invitation1 week
embed_credentialsLucid Software IncESSENTIALCredentials for viewing embedded documents.Session
EMBEDDEDGainsight IncESSENTIALembedded Iframe set cookies on own domain. Shows the embedded video player of youtube.Session
^embed_token_*Lucid Software IncESSENTIALCredentials for viewing embedded documents.Session
failed_to_activate_productLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates a user was unable to activate a product.Session
_fbcFacebook IncMARKETINGPlaced by Facebook to store last visit. Used to distinguish and keep track of unique users.90 days
_fbpFacebook IncMARKETINGUsed by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. Only set when a user arrives at our website from an Ad, and the destination URL includes the click identifier "fbclid".90 days
first_activation_of_productLucid Software IncESSENTIALStores which product was the first the user used.30 minutes
force_auth_routeLucid Software IncESSENTIALForces user to authenticate when accepting a team invitation.5 minutes
forceResetPassTokenLucid Software IncESSENTIALToken used when resetting password.Session
^FPAU$Google AdsMARKETINGUsed by Google Ads.90 days
^FPGCLAW$Google AdsMARKETINGUsed by Google Ads.90 days
^FPGCLGB$Google AdsMARKETINGUsed by Google Ads.90 days
FPIDGoogle AnalyticsANALYTICSThis cookie is used by Google Analytics to recognize visitors.2 years
FPLCGoogle AnalyticsANALYTICSUsed by Google Analytics20 hours
^_ga$Google AnalyticsANALYTICSMain cookie used by Google Analytics, enables a service to distinguish one visitor from another and lasts for 2 years. Any site that implements Google Analytics, including Google services, uses the ‘_ga’ cookie. Each ‘_ga’ cookie is unique to the specific property, so it cannot be used to track a given user or browser across unrelated websites.2 Years
_gaGainsight IncANALYTICSGoogle Analytics cookie - A uniquely generated identifier used for visitor tracking, data used by Customer Success Management team internally to help make informed decisions about the community.2 years
_ga_.*Google LLCANALYTICSMain cookie used by Google Analytics, enables a service to distinguish one visitor from another and lasts for 2 years. Any site that implements Google Analytics, including Google services, uses the ‘_ga’ cookie. Each ‘_ga’ cookie is unique to the specific property, so it cannot be used to track a given user or browser across unrelated websites.2 years
^_gac_.*Google AnalyticsANALYTICSComes from Google Analytics and is used by advertisers to measure user activity and the performance of their ad campaigns. 90 days
^_gac_gb_.*Google AdsMARKETINGComes from Google Analytics and is used by advertisers to measure user activity and the performance of their ad campaigns. 90 days
^__gads$Google AdsMARKETINGEnables sites to show Google ads.13 months
_gaexpGoogle AnalyticsANALYTICSUsed by Google Analytics to store ID's of experiments and sessions for A/B testing.max 93 days
_gaexp_rcGoogle AnalyticsANALYTICSSet to check whether the browser allows cookies to be set. Does not contain any identifiers.10 seconds
GA_OPT_OUTGoogle AnalyticsANALYTICSThis cookie ensures that marketing preferences are stored and data is deleted accordingly.20 Nov 2030
^_gat_.*Google AnalyticsANALYTICSUsed by Google Analytics to read and filter requests from bots.1 minute
^_gat$Google AnalyticsANALYTICSUsed by Google Analytics to read and filter requests from bots.1 minute
_gatGainsight IncANALYTICSUsed by Google Analytics to throttle request rate24 hours
_gat_skilljarTrackerSkilljarANALYTICSGoogle Analytics Cookie – not essential, placed by our Google Analytics code snippet.60 seconds
_gat_UA-*Gainsight IncANALYTICSTracks anonymously the visit of the user.These two anonymity parameters are set in order to conform to EU cookie law: - Anonymize IP = true - displayFeaturesTask = null1 minute
^_gcl_au$Google AdsMARKETINGPrimarily used to help advertisers determine how many times users who click on their ads end up taking an action on their site, such as making a purchase. "_gcl_" cookies used for measuring conversion rates are not used to personalize ads.90 days
^_gcl_aw$Google AdsMARKETINGPrimarily used to help advertisers determine how many times users who click on their ads end up taking an action on their site, such as making a purchase. "_gcl_" cookies used for measuring conversion rates are not used to personalize ads.90 days
^_gcl_gb$Google AdsMARKETINGPrimarily used to help advertisers determine how many times users who click on their ads end up taking an action on their site, such as making a purchase. "_gcl_" cookies used for measuring conversion rates are not used to personalize ads.90 days
^GED_PLAYLIST_ACTIVITY$AdSense; Google Ad Manager; YouTubeANALYTICSThese cookies are set via embedded youtube-videos. They register anonymous statistical data.Session
^_gid$Google AnalyticsANALYTICSUsed by Google Analytics to store and count pageviews.24 hours
_gidGainsight IncANALYTICSTracks anonymously the visit of the user. These two anonymity parameters are set in order to conform to EU cookie law: - Anonymize IP = true - displayFeaturesTask = null24 hours
global:last-external-referrerTaboola IncMARKETINGUsed for attribution purposes to see what link or page led a user to the current page.Local Storage (deleted when the user deletes it)
googleMeetJwtLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to enable the Google Meet Integration. This cookie verifies the Google user via a JSON Web Token so we can correctly associate that user with a Lucid User.60 minutes
googleSsoRegisterSourceLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates where a user registered from. Used by Lucid internal tools to provide the right experience for users.30 minutes
google_user_provisionedLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed when verifying token data returned from Google.1 minute
GPSGainsight IncESSENTIALRegisters a unique ID on mobile devices to enable tracking based on geographical GPS location.Session
_GRECAPTCHAGoogle LLCESSENTIALFunctional cookie used by Google reCAPTCHA for the purpose of providing its risk analysis in spam protection.6 months
_guidLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed to identify a LinkedIn Member for advertising through Google Ads.90 days
GUIDE_REQUESTS_APP_COLUMN_CONFIGZendesk IncPERSONALIZATIONThis cookie is only used in the Request List App. This cookie saves the settings that end-users choose when they configure their own view in the Request List App. It saves which of the available custom values end-users want to filter by and which columns they want to see.Dependent on browser policy
_hccLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to store a hidden coupon code during registration/payment. 4 hours
hc:.*:recently_ visited_articlesZendesk IncESSENTIAL[LOCAL STORAGE] To help subscribers understand the resources an end-user has attempted in seeking support, this object tracks recently-viewed articles within the Help Center Functionality. This Cookie allows Zendesk customers to identify an end-user's recently-viewed articles. If used exclusively by Subscriber for providing customer support purposes, this could be deemed Essential.Until removed by end user
help_center_dataZendesk IncANALYTICSStores the text string of an end-user’s search term in the Help Center Functionality. It stores this so that it can check whether a ticket was created after that term was searched. A user identifier is not stored so it is not possible to specify which user completed the search at the time of reporting.48 hours
_help_center_sessionZendesk IncESSENTIALEssential to keeping the Zendesk help desk site functioning. Stores unique session key for the Zendesk Help Center product.Session
hideLayoutLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates if certain things in the layout should be hidden.Session
_hjidHotjar LTDANALYTICSThis is an old cookie that Hotjar does not set anymore, but if a user has it unexpired in their browser, we will reuse its value and migrate to _hjSessionUser_{site_id}. Set when a user first lands on a page. Persists the Hotjar User ID which is unique to that site. Ensures data from subsequent visits to the same site are attributed to the same user ID.1 year
_hjSessionResumedHotjar LTDANALYTICSSet when a session/recording is reconnected to Hotjar servers after a break in connection.Session
_hjTLDTestHotjar LTDANALYTICSWe try to store the _hjTLDTest cookie for different URL substring alternatives until it fails. Enables us to try to determine the most generic cookie path to use, instead of page hostname. It means that cookies can be shared across subdomains (where applicable). After this check, the cookie is removed.Session
_hmccLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to store a hidden monthly coupon code during registration/payment. Session
imeLucid Software IncESSENTIALInput method editor (for language options).4 hours
init-usernameLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed on login page to store usernameSession
inputNameLucid Software IncESSENTIALStores username from registration to assist in the registration flow.3 days
insights-storeGainsight IncMARKETINGThis cookie used to determine which products the visitor has viewed - This allows the website to promote related products.Persistent
integration-authz-code-*Lucid Software IncESSENTIALThis is a temporary authentication cookie used in the registration/login flow in Instructure Canvas and future integrations.10 minutes
integration_ratingsLucid Software IncESSENTIALStores ratings a user has given to integrations.Session
InvitationIdLucid Software IncESSENTIALThis cookie stores the invitationId when a user is invited to an account and has clicked "open invitation" from their email. When the user is redirected (e.g. to an identity provider for authentication), the invitationId is persisted to later verify the invitationId when attempting to join the account.10 minutes
jira-cloud-auth-stateLucid Software IncESSENTIALAuthentication info for JIRA integration.10 minutes
jira-data-center-auth-stateLucid Software IncESSENTIALAuthentication info for JIRA integration.10 minutes
JSESSIONIDLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed for Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection and URL signature validation.Session
JSESSIONID (New Relic)Gainsight IncESSENTIALTracks platform performance and debugging use (internal use only)Session
landing_temp_idLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed when editing a document upon registration.Session
langLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed to remember a user's language setting to displays in the language selected by the user in their settings.Session
languagePrefLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine what language to use in product.15 minutes
lastactivityGainsight IncESSENTIALString: timestamp1/2 year
^ldip-.*Lucid Software IncESSENTIALContains a document invitation passcode.Session
licenseRequestedLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine what type of license is requested.1 minute
lidcLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed by LinkedIn to facilitate data center selection.1 day
li_fat_idLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGMember indirect identifier for Members for conversion tracking, retargeting, analytics.30 days
li_gcLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed to store consent of guests regarding the use of cookies for non-essential purposes.6 months
li_giantLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGIndirect identifier for groups of LinkedIn Members used for conversion tracking.7 days
li_mcLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed as a temporary cache to avoid database lookups for a member's consent for use of non-essential cookies and used for having consent information on the client side to enforce consent on the client side.6 months
li_sugrLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed by LinkedIn to make a probabilistic match of a user's identity outside the Designated Countries.90 days
lms_adsLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed to identify LinkedIn Members off LinkedIn for advertising.30 days
lms_analyticsLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed to identify LinkedIn Members off LinkedIn for analytics.30 days
ln_orLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed to determine if Oribi analytics can be carried out on a specific domain.1 day
loadingTipActionsLucid Software IncESSENTIALRecords which loading tips have been shown.5 years
loadingTipsSeenLucid Software IncESSENTIALRecords which loading tips have been shown.Session
localeGainsight IncESSENTIALThe cookie determines the preferred language and country-setting of the visitor - This allows the website to show content most relevant to that region and language.5 years
login-endpointSkilljarESSENTIALStores dashboard single sign-on (SSO) configuration used to log in the user (if they logged in via SSO). If set, the dashboard sign-in page will show a link to utilize the SSO option as an alternative to username/password.20 years
login_remembermeLucid Software IncESSENTIALRecords if we should remember a user after they've logged in.Session
login_with_passwordLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates a user logged in with a password.1 year 1 month 3 days
lt-anonymous-idLucid Software IncESSENTIALLucid cookie that creates a unique, anonymous id to identify whether a site visitor is a new or returning visitor. This cookie is also used to provide necessary product functionality and detect anomalies in our product and website performance.5 years
lt-pageview-idLucid Software IncESSENTIALLucid cookie that creates a unique, anonymous id to identify the number of views for a specific page. This cookie is also used to provide necessary product functionality and detect anomalies in our product and website performance.Session
lt-session-dataLucid Software IncESSENTIALLucid cookie that creates a unique, anonymous id that is used to measure site visits and user behavior. This cookie is also used to provide necessary product functionality and detect anomalies in our product and website performance.Session
lucid_atlassian_authLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed in Atlassian integration authentication.5 minutes
lucidauthLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed for authentication. Duration of cookie depends on whether the user selects "remember me." If a user selects "remember me," duration = 365 days. If the user does NOT select "remember me," duration = session.365 days or Session
lucidauthactivityLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to ensure FEDRAMP compliance. Lucid is required to logout users after 15 minutes of inactivity. The lucidauthactivity cookie tracks the last time a user makes a network request and the cookie is updated with the timestamp of that request. This cookie is only set on FEDRAMP environments.15 minutes after last network request
lucidauthshortLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed for authentication.5 minutes
_lucid(chart|co|edu|scale|spark)G[aA](_gid)?Google AnalyticsANALYTICSMain cookie used by Google Analytics, enables a service to distinguish one visitor from another and lasts for 2 years. This is a customized version of that cookie for Lucid's GA UA properties. Any site that implements Google Analytics, including Google services, uses the ‘_ga’ cookie. Each ‘_ga’ cookie is unique to the specific property, so it cannot be used to track a given user or browser across unrelated websites.2 years
lucid-cookie-consentLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to see the user's cookie consent (pulled from Osano) so that we can continue honoring consent preferences.1 month
lucid_cookie_test_localLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to test setting/getting cookies.2 days
lucidregionLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates which region a user's data resides in. Used to route the user's requests to the correct data region. Duration of cookie depends on whether the user selects "remember me." If a user selects "remember me," duration = 365 days. If the user does NOT select "remember me," duration = session.365 days or Session
LucidSeenTOSLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates if a user has seen our terms of service.30 minutes
Metadata_session_idMetadata.ioMARKETINGUnderstand number of sessions a specific account/company has on the site.Session
Metadata_visitor_idMetadata.ioMARKETINGUnderstand how many unique visitors from a given company are coming on the site. Multiple visitors from the same account or returning visits from the same person can be used as engagement signals.1 year
microsoft365JwtLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to enable Microsoft365 users the ability to insert diagrams from Lucid products into Microsoft products (ex: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.). This cookie verifies the Microsoft user via a JSON Web Token so we can correctly associate that user with a Lucid User.15 minutes
microsoftSsoRegisterSourceLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates where a user registered from (data collected is used by Beacon).30 minutes
^_mkto_trk$Marketo IncMARKETINGAllows a website to link visitor behavior to a lead in Marketo. Populates specific Marketo events that can be used as triggers and filters for marketing purposes. Visitors may opt out of Munchkin tracking entirely by adding the query string parameter “marketo_opt_out=true” to the URL in their browser. When the Munchkin JavaScript detects this setting it will attempt to set a new cookie “mkto_opt_out” with a value of true. All other Marketo tracking cookies will be deleted, no new cookies will be set, and no HTTP requests will be made by Munchkin when this setting is detected.2 Years
MUIDMicrosoft CorporationMARKETINGThis is a Microsoft cookie that contains a GUID assigned to your browser. It gets set when you interact with a Microsoft property, including a UET beacon call or a visit to a Microsoft property through the browser.1 year
NewUserProductBundleLucid Software IncANALYTICSUsed to send sign up events to Google Tag Manager10 minutes
^NID$Google AdsMARKETINGUsed to show Google ads in Google services for signed-out users.6 months
no-cache-docsLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates a user's access to a document has changed.~5 minutes
noShowFirstDocslistLoadLucid Software IncESSENTIALSkip steps when registering.2 days
NSC_#Gainsight IncESSENTIALUsed to distribute traffic to the website on several servers in order to optimise response times.1 day
oauth2_extension_pkceLucid Software IncESSENTIALAllows users of Lucid's extension API to connect to third party APIs that use a Proof Key for Code Exchange in their OAuth flow (documentation here: minutes
oauth_extension_stateLucid Software IncESSENTIALNecessary to allow editor extensions to initiate OAuth flows with third parties (for example, sending a user from the Lucidchart editor to a Google login/auth page to allow an extension to read from their Google Sheets).Upon user authorization or logout
_opt_awcidGoogle AnalyticsANALYTICSContains a randomly generated user ID. Based on this ID, Google can recognize the user across different websites and display personalized advertising.24 hours
_opt_awgidGoogle AnalyticsANALYTICSThis cookie is set when a user accesses the website by clicking on a Google ad. It contains information about which advertising campaign the clicked ad belongs to.24 hours
_opt_awkidGoogle AnalyticsANALYTICSThis cookie is set when a user arrives at the website by clicking on a Google ad. It contains information about the selection criteria on the basis of which the ad was placed, for example, which keyword was booked with Google.24 hours
_opt_awmidGoogle AnalyticsANALYTICSThis cookie is set when a user accesses the website by clicking on a Google ad. It contains information about whose customer account the clicked ad was placed from.24 hours
_opt_utmcGoogle AnalyticsANALYTICSThis cookie stores information about which marketing campaign a user last used to access the website.24 hours
organization_invitationLucid Software IncESSENTIALLucid cookie used by the Enterprise Engineering team to allow users to join existing accounts when they are invited by admins/other users on their accounts.Session
oribi_cookie_testLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGTo determine if tracking can be enabled on current domain.Session
oribili_user_guidLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGUsed to count unique visitors to a website.1 year
originallucidauthLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed for authentication. Duration of cookie depends on whether the user selects "remember me." If a user selects "remember me," duration = 365 days. If the user does NOT select "remember me," duration = session.365 days or Session
osano_consentmanagerOsano IncESSENTIALA user's consent categorization (e.g., MARKETING: ACCEPT/DENY) as well as when the user's consent expires, so Osano knows it needs to ask for consent again.1 year
overrideSourceIfOpeningVisioFileLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed when importing a Visio file from Google Drive.2 minutes
parentauthLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed for authentication. Duration of cookie depends on whether the user selects "remember me." If a user selects "remember me," duration = 365 days. If the user does NOT select "remember me," duration = session.365 days or Session
payment_failedLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates payment failed.Session
^pm_sess.*Google AdsMARKETINGHelps maintain your browser session by ensuring that requests within a browsing session are made by the user, and not by other sites. Prevent malicious sites from acting on behalf of a user without that user’s knowledge.30 minutes
preloadDocsListLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates if we should preload the docslist code.Session
purchaseFlowToPageLucid Software IncESSENTIALTracks information between pages during purchasing.5 minutes
_px3ZoomInfoMARKETINGRelated to the perimeter X security layer; set by the domain 1 year
__q_domainTestQualified.comESSENTIALThis is a cookie used in rare cases if Qualified is unable to detect the domain where Qualified is being instantiated. It is set and immediately unset.set and immediately unset
_q_state_.*Qualified.comESSENTIALContains a number of attributes identifying the website visitor and their interaction with the Qualified Chat Messenger. This identifier is stored in the website visitor’s browser as well as the Qualified Service.10 years but can be changed
random_tokenLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to prevent CSRF attacks.Session
_rdt_uuidReddit IncMARKETINGUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisements based on the visitor's preferences via the Reddit Advertising platform.3 months
RedirectToPaymentLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates a user should be redirected to payment.Session
reg_emailLucid Software IncESSENTIALStores which email a user is using to register to provide the right experience for users throughout the signup flow.Session
register_level_idLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates what level the user is attempting to register withSession
registration_sourceLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates where a user registered from to provide the right experience for users throughout the signup flow.Session
registrationUseCaseLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to persist a user's selected use case through registration.Session
return_urlLucid Software IncESSENTIALStores the url that should be redirected to after a flow is complete.30 minutes
^RUL$Google AdsMARKETINGUsed by Google Ads.12 months
sa_grantedLucid Software IncESSENTIALThis cookie is used to detect storage access permission has been granted by the browser so that integrations work properly.30 days
samlRegisterSourceLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates where a user registered from. Used by Lucid internal tools to provide the right experience for users.30 minutes
SAML_SIMULATOR_FLOWLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates we are simulating a SAML sign in.Session
saved_idLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed in Support-A during impersonationSession
saved_usernameLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed in Support-A during impersonation.Session
sawTrialOfferLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates a user saw the trial offer during sign up1 minute
sdscLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGSigned data service context cookie used for database routing to ensure consistency across all databases when a change is made. Used to ensure that user-inputted content is immediately available to the submitting user upon submission.Session
seenOfficeTourLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed as part of Microsoft Office integration.1 year
SESS#Gainsight IncESSENTIALPreserves users states across page requests.Session
SessionGainsight IncESSENTIALStores users sessionSession
set_visit_sourceLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed as part of the team invitation flow.Session
sharepointJwtLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed as part of Sharepoint integration.15 minutes
showDocLimitDialogLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to show/hide doc limit dialog.1 minute
showLanguagePickerLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine if language picker should be shown.Session
showSuggestionsLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine if suggestions should be shown during onboarding.Session
showTemplateTooltipLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine if we should show the tooltip to create from template.365 days and 6 hours
showViewOnlyUserDialogLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine if the view-only users' dialog should be shown.1 minute
singleSignOnIntendedProductLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to make sure we activate users for the correct product and redirect to pages with the correct product when a user signs in through SSO after trying to navigate to a share link.5 minutes
sj_csrftokenSkilljarESSENTIALCSRF protection cookie, required to validate any POST request from the user’s browser.364 days
sj_dbgidSkilljarPERSONALIZATIONStores the obfuscated id of the organization under which the user was last logged in.30 days
sj_dbuSkilljarMARKETINGPlaced upon sign-in on the dashboard. A persistent cookie that’s used by marketing to differentiate between prospects and existing customers as it relates to our marketing sites.20 years
sj_lpSkilljarPERSONALIZATIONStores the user's localization preference so the correct language is displayed. This cookie is only set when the user switches their preferred language from the domain's default language. Its value is a unique, encrypted string that informs the platform which language to use when rendering the training domain. The cookie does not collect any user details besides their preferred language which is explicitly set by the user. The platform does not use this cookie data for any tracking or data collection purposes.1 year
sj_sessionidSkilljarESSENTIALA session cookie, required for maintaining logged-in sessions between pageviews. 4 hours
skipPersonaSurveyLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates if the persona page was skipped. Default duration is 10 minutes except when the WebEx integration is being used in which case this cookie will last for a session.10 minutes or session
slack-oauth-stateLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed as part of the Slack integration.Session
slack-openid-nonceLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed as part of the Slack integration.Session
slackSsoRegisterSourceLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates where a user registered from (data collected is used by Beacon).30 minutes
smartsheet-oauth-stateLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed as part of Smartsheet integration.10 minutes
ssiBasis TechnologiesMARKETINGRegisters a unique ID that identifies a returning user’s device. The ID is used for targeted ads.1 year
SSORedirectLucid Software IncESSENTIALThis cookie is used to track the last used Single Sign On method. This allows users to be redirected to their previously used Identity Provider, such as Google, Microsoft, or SAML Identity Provider.365 Days
_ssumaBasis TechnologiesMARKETINGPresents the user with relevant content and advertisement. The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.30 days
successfullyRenderedWithGlLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to indicate we've rendered with WebGL properly.1 week
SupportPinsLucid Software IncESSENTIALThis cookie is used to authorize a Lucid Support user to impersonate users that have USE_IMPERSONATION_PIN permissions.12 hours
^t$Gainsight IncESSENTIALInternal cookie set for internal community analytics events - session valueSession
taboola_fp_td_user_idTaboola IncMARKETINGIndicates that the user clicked on an item that was recommended by Taboola’s Services. This is used for reporting and analytics purposes.1 year
taboola global:last-externalTaboola IncMARKETINGUsed for attribution purposes to see what link or page led a user to the current page.Local Storage (deleted when the user deletes it)
taboola_selectTaboola IncMARKETINGMaintains a record of whether the user performed an action in the “Taboola Select” feature.1 year
taboola_session_idTaboola IncMARKETINGCreates a temporary session ID to avoid the display of duplicate recommendations on the page.Session
^TAID$Google AdsMARKETINGUsed by Google Ads.14 days
temp_email_verification_authLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine if a user can be automatically authenticated when verifying their email address after registration. 24 hours
temp_lucidauthLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed as part of authentication.3 min 20 seconds
testcookieLucid Software IncESSENTIALThis cookie is designed to test whether a browser is set to accept first-party cookies. Used to test cookie setting and syncing.Session
test_cookieGainsight IncESSENTIALUsed to check if the user's browser supports cookies.1 day
t_gidTaboola IncMARKETINGAssigns a unique User ID that Taboola uses for attribution and reporting purposes, and to tailor recommendations to this specific user.1 year
^thirdparty-.*-roleinfoLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to identify a user's role on a document in an integration.10 minutes
topicsGainsight IncESSENTIALNumerical ID's of the topics visited by the user - Used to identify returning visitors to a topic page48 hours
^tuGainsight IncESSENTIALInternal cookie set for internal community analytics events - unique hash1 year
tuuidDemandbase IncANALYTICSThis cookie is used for analytics and advertising services provided by Demandbase products.2 years
tuuid_luDemandbase IncANALYTICSThis cookie is used for analytics and advertising services provided by Demandbase products.2 years
twofactorauthcompleteLucid Software IncESSENTIALThis cookie is created after completing two factor authentication. This is needed for the password reset flows, since we can only allow password reset after 2fa check if it is required for the user.15 minutes
twofactorauthloginLucid Software IncESSENTIALThis cookie is used in the two factor authentication setup and login flows. It is set once the user has successfully passed their email and password login but before they pass the two-factor authentication challenge.15 minutes
_uetmsclkidMicrosoft CorporationMARKETINGThis is the Microsoft Click ID, which is used to improve the accuracy of conversion tracking. Note: UET sets a first-party cookie on your site’s domain for this parameter. When auto-tagging of the Microsoft Click ID is enabled, the ad click information is generated at ad click time and appended to the landing page URLSession
_uetsidMicrosoft CorporationMARKETINGThis contains the session ID for a unique session on the site.Session
_uetvidMicrosoft CorporationMARKETINGUET assigns this unique, anonymized visitor ID, representing a unique visitor. UET stores this data in a first-party cookie.13 months
UIDLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGCookie used for market and user research.720 days
useHighQualityRenderingLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed to determine what kind of rendering to use.Session
UserCameFromMarketingPageLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed during Lucidscale onboarding.30 minutes
UserChangedLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates the user has changed and we need to invalidate the cache.5 minutes
^userId$Lucid Software IncESSENTIALLucid cookie storing a unique Lucid ID necessary for product expiration
UserMatchHistoryLinkedIn CorporationMARKETINGLinkedIn Ads ID syncing.30 days
usernameLucid Software IncESSENTIALLucid cookie used to identify if a user has authenticated; necessary for product functionality. Duration of cookie depends on whether the user selects "remember me." If a user selects "remember me," duration = 365 days. If the user does NOT select "remember me," duration = session.Session or 365 days
UserPermissionsChangedLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates the a user's permissions have changed and we need to invalidate the cache.5 seconds
UserTwoFactorAuthSetupLucid Software IncESSENTIALThis cookie is used in the two factor authentication setup flow. It is set once the user verifies their two factor authentication with a one time password and is later used in to activate two factor authentication.1 day
^__utma$Google AnalyticsANALYTICSOne of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behavior and measure site performance. Used by Google Analytics to store the calculation of days and time to purchase.2 Years
^__utmb$Google AnalyticsANALYTICSOne of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behavior and measure site performance. Used by Google Analytics to store time of visit.30 Minutes
^__utmc$Google AnalyticsANALYTICSOne of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. Used by Google Analytics to store time of visit.Session
^__utmt$Google AnalyticsANALYTICSUsed by Google Analytics to store number of service requests.10 minutes
^__utmv$Google AnalyticsANALYTICSSet by Google Analytics that enables website owners to track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. This cookie stores user-related data that has been passed from the website to Google Analytics.2 Years
^__utmz$Google AnalyticsANALYTICSOne of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. Used by Google Analytics to store used keyword and search engine.6 months after last activity
visitorIdZoomInfoMARKETINGThis is how ZoomInfo WebSights identifies recurring visitors.1 year
^VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE.*Google Ads / YouTubeMARKETINGEnables personalized recommendations on YouTube based on past views and searches.180 days
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEGainsight IncESSENTIALTries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos.179 days
vuidGainsight IncESSENTIALCollects data on the user's visits to the website, such as which pages have been read.2 years
^xli$Lucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates a cookie is an internal Lucid request.Session
yahooSsoRegisterSourceLucid Software IncESSENTIALIndicates where a user registered from (data collected is used by Beacon).30 minutes
YSCGainsight IncESSENTIALRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen.Session
^YSC$Google Ads / YouTubeMARKETINGEnsures that requests within a browsing session are made by the user, and not by other sites. These cookies prevent malicious sites from acting on behalf of a user without that user’s knowledge. Session
yt-remote-cast-installedGainsight IncESSENTIALStores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube videoSession
yt-remote-connected-devicesGainsight IncESSENTIALStores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube videoPersistent
yt-remote-device-idGainsight IncESSENTIALStores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube videoPersistent
yt-remote-fast-check-periodGainsight IncESSENTIALStores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube videoSession
yt-remote-session-appGainsight IncESSENTIALStores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube videoSession
yt-remote-session-nameGainsight IncESSENTIALStores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube videoSession
ZD-buidZendesk IncANALYTICSUsed to create a deviceId and track analytics events for pages that load a Web Widget on them.Until removed by end user
ZD-sendApiBlipsZendesk IncPERSONALIZATIONUsed to reduce the amount of analytics blips that we send in order to help us understand client side API usage. Web Widget (Classic) offers pre-built API functionality for cookie consent; see here: removed by end user
ZD-settingsZendesk IncPERSONALIZATIONStores a hash of settings so that we don't keep sending requests to our backend.Until removed by end user
_zdshared_user_session_analyticsZendesk IncANALYTICSUsed to track information about visits for analytics purposes.1 year
ZD-storeZendesk IncPERSONALIZATIONEnsures consistent presentation of the Web Widget (Classic) when an End-User navigates to a new web page.Until removed by end user
ZD-suidZendesk IncANALYTICSUsed to create a sessionId and track analytics events for pages that load a Web Widget on them.20 minutes
ZD-zE_oathZendesk IncESSENTIALStores the authentication token once the user has been authenticated. Web Widget (Classic) offers pre-built API functionality for cookie consent; see here: Alternatively, these Cookies respect external cookie bot functionality as well.2 hours
_zendesk_authenticatedZendesk IncESSENTIALThis is a flag set when a user is authenticated to display the most up-to-date content.Session
_zendesk_cookieZendesk IncESSENTIALSaves arbitrary preference settings. Two-factor authentication features and device tracking will not work without it.1 year
_zendesk_nps_sessionZendesk IncESSENTIALStores a unique key for a session, for landing page after responding to an NPS survey (if enabled).Session
_zendesk_sessionZendesk IncESSENTIALEssential to keeping the Zendesk help desk site functioning. Stores account ID, route for internal service calls, and the cross-site request forgery token.8 hours
_zendesk_shared_sessionZendesk IncESSENTIALEssential to keeping the Zendesk help desk site functioning. Authentication cookie - set to be anonymous.8 hours
zendesk_thirdparty_testZendesk IncESSENTIALUsed during sign in on hostmapped accounts for cookie-restricted browsers. This is necessary for the workflow described here: hours
zen_stuffLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed as part of Zendesk.Session
_zitokZoomInfoMARKETINGFirst-party cookie set by ZoomInfo to identify unique visitors.1 year
zoom-app-sessionLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed as part of our Zoom integration.Session
zoom-auth-stateLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed as part of our Zoom integration.10 minutes
zoom-invitation-idLucid Software IncESSENTIALUsed as part of our Zoom integration.Session
osano_consentmanagerOsanoESSENTIALStores the user's current consent status.1 year
osano_consentmanager_uuidOsanoESSENTIALStores the user's unique consent identifier.1 year


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