Save time and increase efficiency with the TrackerCheck and Lucid integration
Save time and increase efficiency with the TrackerCheck and Lucid integration
Save time and increase efficiency with the TrackerCheck and Lucid integration
Save time and increase efficiency with the TrackerCheck and Lucid integration
Save time and increase efficiency with the TrackerCheck and Lucid integration

Leverage the power of Lucidchart directly within the TrackerCheck desktop app! Select and display documents to your team for clear communication and transparency. Even link items in TrackerCheck to Lucidchart via hyperlink for even more productivity. With TrackerCheck's completion management system and Lucidchart's groundbreaking diagramming platform, users have a complete package to deliver projects with transparency and productivity.
Key features
- Native Lucidchart look and feel
- Direct access to documents via TrackerCheck
- Security based on sharing permissions in Lucid
- Integrated into TrackerCheck so only one log in required
- Obsessive customer support from Tracker Technologies
Important links
This integration is a Non-Lucid Application (as defined in the Lucid Software Terms of Service), and is developed and maintained by a third party. Your use of this integration is subject to the contractual relationship between you and the company that developed and maintains the integration, not your relationship with Lucid.