How to improve cross-functional team coordination
Learn how Lucid enables teams to gather, initiate work, and see progress.


Torrie Foutz
Manager, Learning Experience Design, Lucid

Peter Smith
Product Manager II, Lucid

Jaxson Perry
Associate Product Marketing Manager, Lucid
Collaborate effectively in hybrid environments
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Discover effective strategies for enhancing team coordination.
Learn how to overcome challenges in team management and communication.
See how Lucid sets up cross-functional teams for success, including demos of our new team experience.
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Additional resources
A step-by-step guide to assembling a cross-functional team
Learn how to create a successful cross-functional team with this comprehensive guide.
Course: Coordinate work with team hubs
Learn how to create a team in Lucid, build out your team space, and manage your team hub through this series of videos.
Community thread
See additional resources related to this webinar and ask any follow-up questions for the Lucid team.