Go-to-market teams
Get tips and templates to simplify complex go-to-market strategies. Learn how to brainstorm ideas, prioritize projects, and collaborate cross-functionally.
How to improve sales and marketing collaboration
Learn how sales and marketing teams can strengthen collaboration and alignment and ultimately increase company revenue.
How Lucid’s sales teams use Lucid to close deals faster
See how Lucid’s sales teams use Lucid to host discovery workshops, create account plans, and conduct deal reviews.
How Lucid’s customer success teams use Lucid to maximize collaboration
See how Lucid’s customer success teams use Lucid to create mutual success plans, build learning maps, and improve customer support processes.
The sales team’s toolkit for effortless documentation
Get access to 20 templates specifically designed to optimize and visualize sales teams’ documentation processes here!
How to plan a project: A step-by-step guide to project planning
Looking to simplify your project planning workflow? Lucid’s step-by-step guide makes visualizing project planning a breeze.
The solution architect’s toolkit for effortless documentation
Get access to 13 templates for solution architect teams that streamline the documentation process.
The customer success team’s toolkit for effortless documentation
Here are 20+ Lucid templates to get you started on making your customer success team’s documentation processes effortless.
The marketing team’s toolkit for effortless documentation [+ marketing templates]
Get 20+ marketing templates to visualize your workflow, from ideation to execution.
3 ways go-to-market teams use Lucid to facilitate alignment
Go-to-market (GTM) teams are tasked with generating revenue for the business. Here are three ways Lucid helps with that mission.